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Video Guide

Unlock revenue, cost savings with our Salesforce CRM integration

Watch the full video below to learn how brands streamline experiences with our most popular CRM integration.

LivePerson CRM integration

One of the most popular questions people ask when vetting a company like LivePerson is: “Do you integrate with our CRM?” Rule of thumb: If it’s got an API, we can integrate! Our open platform was designed with integrations in mind, from CRMs to a variety of third-party systems. 

When you integrate a messaging and automation platform into your business systems, you can skyrocket efficiency — just by auto-assigning emails or making it easy to access customer information. One of our customers even grew their simple concierge bot into a full-service automation capable of handling order placement, refund processing, and loyalty management — all fully integrated into their Salesforce environment.

Successes like these have made Salesforce our most sought-after CRM integration. Watch the video guide above for ideas on how your business could benefit from a LivePerson + Salesforce integration and hundreds of others.

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