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CIO Outlook: Winning in the new normal of C-Commerce

A tectonic shift in the way brands engage with their customers has paved the way for Conversational Commerce (c-commerce) and AI-powered conversations, growing the bottom line for thousands of brands worldwide.

LivePerson featured in APAC CIO Outlook

Close to 40% of customers abandon a call within the first minute and almost 70% of online shopping carts are abandoned. Yet contact centers are constantly under pressure to lower cost per call while increasing sales conversions, revenue per call, and customer satisfaction.

LivePerson’s intelligent Conversational AI platform allows brands to achieve all this at scale. Built on over 20 years of conversational analytics, this platform includes a diverse set of tools, from Natural Language Understanding to messaging channel integrations, advanced metrics, intent analysis, and bot-building features.

Take a look at LivePerson’s customer stories.