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Case Studies

Access to call data helps Wayfair increase agent productivity the equivalent of 38 employees

wayfair logo for their case study on how to increase agent productivity for contact center agents

As one of the world’s largest furniture and home décor providers, Wayfair connects with individual consumers as well as small and large B2B customers. They needed to increase connection rates for more than 700 call center agents and give them easy access to the customer data buried deep in their phone system. Tenfold, now a LivePerson company, was able to empower agents with relevant customer context at the point of interaction while enabling Local Presence dialing, automated call logging, and team based analytics. Connection rates jumped by over 30% while outbound call volume doubled. In just six months with Tenfold, Wayfair was able to increase agent productivity equivalent to gaining 38 employees.

“We made a large implementation of Tenfold with Salesforce and the results have been great. We have access to a variety of call data that was previously not possible, and the ability to interact with calls outside of Salesforce is a huge win for our multitasking team.”

~ Joel Stevenson, VP of Business Sales at Wayfair

Agent performance stats after implementation


increase in connection rates


more outbound calls


employee hours saved in 6 months

The challenge: Accessing relevant customer data at the point of engagement

Wayfair’s biggest challenge was obvious — their call center agents didn’t have convenient access to customer data while engaging with customers — they were flying blind on every call. Though they had vast amounts of customer information, it was buried deep inside their phone system, which would have required a “team of forensic data scientists” to extract.

With tens of thousands of B2B accounts and an untold number of individual customers, Wayfair had a pressing need to access and organize this data to better serve their current and future client base.

Like many retailers, Wayfair didn’t have any systems in place that would help their call center agents understand what was needed to better connect with their customers, or set up their sales team to maximize conversion rates.

The solution: Harmonizing data with Tenfold cloud-based CTI for Salesforce

“What was important to us when making our selection was we wanted something that would work with our existing phone system,” explains Joel Stevenson, VP of Business Sales. “We wanted the solution that was going to allow us to capture the most amount of data with the least friction possible, and that’s the reason we chose Tenfold.” By leveraging their existing phone provider and CRM, Wayfair didn’t have to change anything about the systems they already had in place. They simply had to implement Tenfold to act as a bridge between the two, improving call center agent productivity.

Within 30 days of implementation, Wayfair saw significant improvement in a number of areas. “We did a test with [Tenfold] with one of our teams to try and increase connection rate. So we rolled this test out, and over a couple weeks, the performance on this team was so much better than the other team, that I started getting angry emails from the other team saying ‘Hey. When are we going to get this? This isn’t fair. You have to let us in on this thing.’ It was quite a vivid example of the power of this technology paying off in reality for the reps,” says Stevenson.

The results: Easy access to customer and call data transforms operations

“We made a large implementation of Tenfold with Salesforce and the results have been great,” says Stevenson. “We have access to a variety of call data that was previously not possible, and the ability to interact with calls outside of Salesforce is a huge win for our multitasking team.”

By giving call center agents contextual customer data at the point of engagement and streamlining workflows, Tenfold helped Wayfair increase agent productivity by 20%. Their connection rates increased by 30%, and their reps doubled their outbound call volume. In just the first six months, they logged 2,350,837 calls totalling 71,869 hours of talk time.

“Universally our reps think that Tenfold is very easy for them to use and not intrusive in their day-to-day activities,” Stevenson continues.

And agents and sales reps weren’t the only ones with access to more relevant data with Tenfold. Wayfair team managers and executives gained access to performance analytics for the first time and were able to have effective coaching conversations with 100% alignment on what activities were completed. They even instituted a gamification leaderboard to display team KPIs to everyone, which inspired and motivated employees.

Ready for the next step? Learn how LivePerson AI-powered engagement tools can increase agent productivity and customer satisfaction even more