Our Ethics and Compliance
We are committed to the highest standards of ethical business conduct and to the practice of business in accordance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations. We are guided by our Code of Conduct which applies to all directors, officers, and employees of the company and is intended to provide guidance to personnel to help them recognize and effectively address ethical issues, provide mechanisms to report unethical conduct, and help to foster a culture of honesty and accountability. LivePerson also has a Code of Ethics for Chief Executive and Senior Financial Officers.
All employees are required to complete Code of Conduct training on an annual basis, which also covers anti-bribery and anti-corruption training units and how to avoid unethical practices. Employees are required to pass an exam following the training.
Data Privacy and Security
Information security is part of LivePerson’s core and strategic goals. We maintain and continually enhance our data security and systems resilience and have implemented a robust infrastructure to support our clients’ high standards and safeguard the information that belongs to us or has been entrusted to us by our clients and employees.
Our Board of Directors oversees cybersecurity risks and receives regular reports from the Head of Security throughout the year. All LivePerson employees, including full-, part-time employees and consultants complete mandatory annual Security Awareness training via an online portal that is tracked and confirmed by LivePerson personnel management. All of our vendors and stakeholders agree to our Information Security Policy.
We maintain compliance and security certifications that include the following industry standards:
- SSAE 18 SOC2 + HIPAA (formerly SAS70)
- Alignment with the ISO 27001 standard
- PCI DSS 3.2.1
- EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
- HIPAA via Business Associate Agreement (BAA)
- Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX)
LivePerson’s operating systems and infrastructure are regularly tested for vulnerabilities by internal and external independent third parties, including through our formal Vulnerability Disclosure Policy and Program. We also regularly work with clients to audit our systems and infrastructure. In 2021 we conducted over 300 client audits.
Whistleblower Protection
We are committed to providing a workplace conducive to open discussion of its business practices and maintain a Whistleblower Policy that is included in our Employee Handbook and published on our website. Our Whistleblower Policy protects any employee or third parties who report a concern and none will be held criminally or civilly liable.
LivePerson offers an online “Report It” tool that allows all employees to anonymously report any issues via the website or a hotline. All complaints submitted through these means are forwarded to the Audit Committee and recorded in a log that is kept for five years. All employees are also encouraged to reach out to any supervisor or manager or our Corporate Compliance Officer.
For all complainants, the Compliance Officer (under the direction and oversight of the Audit Committee) will assess the planned course of action and all complaints are investigated to their conclusion. If action is needed, the appropriate executive officers and the Board of Directors are apprised as appropriate.
Our Whistleblower Policy protects any employee or third parties who report a concern and none will be held criminally or civilly liable.
Ethical AI
We recognize the rapid growth of AI, and its susceptibility to incorporating the personal and unconscious biases of its creators. We were a founding member and continue to sponsor a non-profit, EqualAI, that brings together leaders across business, technology and academia to shine a light on this important issue and create a new set of best practices for organizations leveraging AI to ensure equal representation. Our Curiously Human digital experiences are built on ethical AI principles integrated throughout the full platform development, enhancement and testing cycle to deliver the most authentically empathetic AI at scale that enables brands to build meaningful and personalized connections with their customers free of bias and discrimination.